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Learning Center

We are a passionate community of families dedicated to creating a vibrant, engaging learning environment for our children. At Heartsong Learning Center, we serve children ages 4.5 through 12 years old in small, multi-age groups, where each child’s unique interests and needs are nurtured.

Our Lead Learning Mentor, supported by a dedicated Support Mentor, guides the children day to day, fostering their growth, creativity, and love of learning. The Lead Mentor carries the collective vision for the year, organizes logistics, and tracks each child's learning journey, ensuring every child’s progress is supported and celebrated.


As a homeschool enrichment program, Heartsong is co-created by the entire community. Together, we craft a nature-based, holistic learning environment that fosters respect, safety, growth, and a deep connection to the Earth. In this space, children and families thrive through joyful exploration, creativity, and shared values, building a foundation for lifelong learning and connection to the natural world.

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Our Learning Center blends Forest School, Waldorf, and Homeschool and Unschooling Approaches. We spend as much of our days outdoors as possible learning with and through Nature. Each day has a rhythm that is attuned to the children's needs and aligned with the seasons. The academic curriculum is wholistically woven into daily activities which include ample if not total outdoor time. Activities offerings include crafting, wood working, art, music, gardening, nature studies, plant identification, field trips, cooking, fire building, music, storytelling, weaving, dancing, and more. The children are divided during more specific lessons or activities according to individual interests and skill level. ​Social and emotional intelligence are a foundational pillar we are constantly tending at all ages. 


The Heartsong Learning Center is not a school but rather a homeschooling enrichment learning center and a private membership association. Please see our Membership Page for more details.

Kinder Program (Ages 4.5 - 6)

Childhood is a magical time. Children thrive in relationship to the natural world. From birth to age six, young children learn in very specific and dream-like ways. Rhythm, repetition and imitation are their main functions of learning. Small children deeply experience the impulses they receive from the world around them. They then take this information and embody it through play.  


We play Outside! In all of the elements, including the mud. Where imagination and the natural world collide and blossom. Outdoor play takes place the first hour or more of every day. Expect that their outer layers will be dirty and/or wet depending on the season. Through this play, children are building social skills, problem solving, counting, sharing, building small and gross motor skills and more. 

Story is another integral part of our program. We tell animal stories, nature stories and tales from around the world. These stories include archetypal characters that subtly convey messages on morality, goodness, and the deep truths of life. Story is also used in a curative way to help process and meet challenging moments that may come up for our class. Plays and puppet shows are often incorporated into our story telling. 


Song is a part of our daily rhythm. Each day starts with songs for the day, for the season and sometimes just for fun. We also use song and music to alert children to transitions in activity and before shared meal time, story time and after play time. Song gently reminds children of what happens next in our daily rhythm.


Arts, crafts and handwork are included every day! Not all art projects will come home as much of it is ephemeral and returns back to the earth.

Grades Program (Ages 7-11)

We spread our wings as we cross the threshold into the “Grades” and with our Kinder Foundations, we start exploring the ways each child is called to learn. Children will engage all of their senses in understanding themselves, the world around them, and stretching and growing their innate capacities. Our educators offer lessons on age appropriate themes. Songs, mythology, math, science, language arts, handwork, plays, unstructured play, gardening and movement bring grade/age appropriate themes to life within the child. Learning mentors teach to the whole child from their own ensouled understanding of the curriculum. Mornings are dedicated to movement and main lessons. Afternoons are focused on handwork, music and practical skills.


The Heart Garden

At Heartsong, we believe in fostering holistic and hands-on learning experiences that not only nurture the intellect but also instill a sense of environmental stewardship and self-sustainability. Embracing the principles of gardening, horticulture, and permaculture, our school grounds have been transformed into vibrant ecosystems that serve as living classrooms. With the integration of food forests, vegetable and flower gardens, and wild native plant gardens, our students embark on an educational journey that connects them to the natural world, encourages curiosity, and fosters a lifelong love for nature.


Food Forests

Our school's food forests form the cornerstone of our learning landscape, showcasing the principles of permaculture. Students are actively involved in planning, planting, and maintaining these diverse ecosystems. Here, they learn about forest gardening techniques, the interrelationships between various plant species, and the importance of sustainable food production. As they tend to fruit trees, shrubs, and understory plants, students gain an understanding of ecosystem dynamics, soil health, and the significance of biodiversity in sustaining a thriving ecosystem.


Vegetable and Flower Gardens

Within the vibrant tapestry of our school's landscape, our vegetable and flower gardens offer students invaluable opportunities to explore the realms of gardening and horticulture. Students engage in planting and caring for a wide range of vegetables, herbs, and flowers, thereby gaining practical knowledge about the growth cycles of plants, soil preparation, irrigation, and organic pest management. Through observation and hands-on experiences, they learn about the nutritional value of homegrown produce, sustainable gardening practices, and the joy of cultivating their own food and flowers.


Wild Native Plant Gardens

Emphasizing the importance of preserving biodiversity and creating habitats for local flora and fauna, our wild native plant gardens provide an immersive learning experience. Students discover the beauty and resilience of indigenous plant species and their roles in supporting native wildlife. They learn about the cultural and ecological significance of these plants, their adaptation to local climatic conditions, and the ecological services they provide, such as soil stabilization and pollinator support. Through the careful cultivation of wild native plant gardens, students develop a deep appreciation for their surrounding environment and become advocates for conservation.​


Benefits of Gardening, Horticulture, and Permaculture as Foundational Learning Practices

  1. Hands-on Learning: By engaging in practical gardening activities, students develop essential life skills such as problem-solving, teamwork, patience, and responsibility.

  2. Environmental Awareness: Students gain a deep understanding of sustainable practices, ecological interdependencies, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

  3. Nutritional Education: Through growing and consuming their own food, students develop a connection to healthy eating habits and learn about the benefits of fresh, organic produce.

  4. Emotional Well-being: Gardening fosters a sense of calm, mindfulness, and connectedness with nature, promoting mental and emotional well-being among students.

  5. Community Engagement: Our gardening initiatives encourage students to actively participate in community service projects, sharing their knowledge and produce with local organizations or initiatives.

2024/2025 Schedule

Learners gather Monday – Thursday, 9am – 3pm. Partial weeks and drop-ins welcome.

We orient our calendar around the seasons into four, 11-week sessions:


Autumn Prelude Session: September 3 - September 19, 2024

Fall Session: September 23, 2024 - December 19, 2024  

Winter Session: January 6, 2025 - March 20, 2025

Spring Session: April 7, 2025 - June 19, 2025

Summer Session: July 7, 2025 - August 28, 2025

(HLC families join together for extra child care time during school breaks when needed.)


Holidays and Breaks:

Indigenous Peoples' Day:  October 14, 2024

Fall Break:  November 25-28, 2024

Winter Break:  December 23, 2024 - January 2, 2025

Martin Luther King Day:  Monday, January 20, 2025

Spring Break:  March 24 - April 3, 2025

Memorial Day:  May 26, 2025

Summer Break: June 23 - July 3, 2025


We offer a sliding scale based on need. If this amount is not possible and you’re still interested in attending, please get in touch. Scholarships, sibling discounts and work trade options are available upon request and need.


Financial Contribution for Full-Time Students: Sliding Scale $720-$810/month

With this option your whole family are members of the Heartsong Learning Center and can attend all of the Learning Center’s daily programs and special events. You are well informed and have input on all of the operations, activities and overall learning center function. You may choose to attend meetings or volunteer as you wish but no additional hours of contribution are required. 


Part time students and drop in days are welcome. Please inquire about part time pricing. 


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